GONE FISHIN' is based on the video game Resident Evil Village, a game I have NOT played and know almost nothing about, so manage your expectations when it comes to characterization lol!!

this is the first comic i made with my, at the time, brand new WACOM Cintiq 32 Touch, which i purchased with the refunded money from the awful Mobile Studio Pro. it's been maybe a two decade long goal to get a Big Bertha Cintiq and i really, sincerely, deeply love it!! but i also recommend having way less expensive goals than me lmfao!!!!

a friend of mine showed me a clip of Moreau, the very sad fish man who has never done anything wrong, and i instantly fell in love with him. no, i will not play the game and no i don't want to hear any canon facts. you may recognize my OC Grace from another comic! she loves getting knocked up by weird monster-y guys, and that is because that is the sole purpose for her existence. i'm sure you'll see her again! this comic is done in a different style than usual, and one i will probably re-use in the future. instead of getting bogged down on layouts and pacing, i just spent a week dumping every idea that came to me onto a large canvas and drawing arrows between them. it got the idea out quicker, and i didn't get too fixated on the occasional Just Plain Bad drawing. i still want to continue to make comics with proper composition, but this was really freeing to work on and i enjoyed the result. originally this was a SUPPORTERS ONLY comic, but it's been awhile now so you can read it for free! you're welcome!!

please don't share these works with people who shouldn't be or would not like to be reading them! these comics are inteded for mature adults only & readers should have a chance to review the warnings before proceeding!